Tuesday, 28 October 2008

The best biscuits in the world.

This is the simplest recipe you can imagine and makes the best biscuits. I love them so much I once ate an entire batch made by my class and had to come in early the next morning to make a new lot. I make them plain and then add flavour through different icings, but you could experiment with different flavours.

It's a simple 3-2-1 combination.

* 6oz plain flour
* 4oz butter
* 2oz caster sugar
A few drops of vanilla essence.

Pre-heat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.

Mix the dry ingredients together. Put the butter in- in small pieces and "rub-in" until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add the vanilla and a few drops of water (be very careful you need very little). Form into a ball, roll out and cut into shapes.
I have a big cookie cutter collection, but you can use a cup or a jar top if you don't have one.
bake for between 10 and 15 minutes until golden brown. I can't be more exact as it does depend on the size and shape of your biscuits.

These are delicious with or without icing.

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